Clinical based Scenarios for FMG Exam

Introduction The first and foremost important thing that any candidate trying to clear the PG competitive exams is the mentality! The way one thinks when approaching a question is what determines their success rate in solving that problem. Solving Clinical based Medicine questions is like solving a puzzle, where you are a detective and the […]
T and D batch by Dr Marwah | 5 Most Important Reason to Join this Super Program

The modernization and digitalization of modes of imparting education have influenced more or less in every field, be it Engineering, Honors or even our very own Medical itself. In these testing times of the pandemic, the shift of culture from offline classroom method of education to digital classroom education has been a lifesaver for the […]

Which anti-histamine has maximum sedation? Wait … which one has minimum sedation? Anti-cancer drugs….. Bungara-Bungarotoxin??? Snakes??? Pufferfish???? Your mind might be a glorious mess right now and why not? Usually, pharmacology is studied in the earlier years of medical college and by the time of completion of college, it is almost forgotten!!!! The way you […]